behind the name

Most everyone has a favorite place to retreat to, a place they go to recharge. For me, that place is nature, more specifically the mountains to the west. My family and I love spending time in the mountains whether we’re driving a scenic route, biking, strolling down a trail, or relaxing in a cabin. Unfortunately, we can’t escape to the mountains as often as we’d like. That's where candles come in...I find solace in both creating and burning them! There is something soothing about lighting candles and observing their soft glow while familiar scents fill the room. Quality scented candles can evoke certain feelings, spark memories, transport you to another time and place or enhance the moment you are in. I love creating candles that are reminiscent of places I’ve been, moments in time, and places I long to return to. Westward Candle Company creates quality burning soy candles that take you places.
Where do you want to go?